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Steering Committee

We brainstorm and organize events for the larger group of graduate women in CMS
Lisa Li

Option: CDS, Year: G5; Research topics: distributed control, neuroscience; Hobbies: making music, picking up heavy things; Reach out to me about: research, hobbies, stuff to do around the city, anything you want to talk about! jsli (at) caltech (dot) edu

Natalie Bernat

Option: CMS, Year: G7; Research topics: learning and control; Hobbies: climbing, hiking, reading; Reach out to me about: local coffee shops. nbernat (at) caltech (dot) edu

Apurva Badithela

Option: CDS, Year: G5; Research topics: controls, formal methods, autonomy, test and evaluation; Hobbies: yoga, hiking, reading; Reach out to me about: the South Asian immigrant experience and anything grad school related. abadithe (at) caltech (dot) edu

Angela Gao

Option: CMS, Year: G4; Research topics: computational imaging, computer vision; Hobbies: painting, photography; Reach out to me at afgao (at) caltech (dot) edu

Aracely Sustaita

Admin for Graduate Women in CMS. Reach out to me at aracelys (at) caltech (dot) edu

Jennifer Sun

Option: CMS, Year: G6; Research topics: computer vision, behavior analysis; Hobbies: reading, video games, easy hikes; Reach out to me about: anything, including research, teaching, Caltech resources, good food, and fun places nearby. jjsun (at) caltech (dot) edu